. Scholarships Available - California School of Law .


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Scholarships Available

Scholarship/Fellowship Database

CSL applicants and students may be eligible for outside agency scholarships. Please refer to the list below of scholarships and fellowships available which may be of interest to our students. Although this list is not exhaustive, we make every effort to keep the list updated.  Students are solely responsible for fulfilling any requirements and deadlines set forth by a particular agency.  The student should use this list as a starting point to research scholarships and fellowships. It is the student's sole responsibility to contact the agency directly to find out any new deadline dates or application requirements or to reapply for past monies received. Some of the links below are not directly to the scholarship page itself, but to a source, which will yield more information about scholarships or fellowships. The student should take the initiative to contact the source directly to find out the exact requirements for any scholarships or fellowships offered. 

In order to keep the scholarship list updated, students are encouraged to share with CSL any other scholarships they are eligible for that are not featured on this list at admissions@californiaschooloflaw.com


AAJ (American Assoc. for Justice) Scholarships
AES Engineering Scholarship
B. Davis Scholarship
California Bar Foundation Scholarship
California Indian Youth Scholarship
Canadian American Bar Association Law Student Essay Competition  (Contact organization directly, they do not post information on their website regarding their scholarships)
Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
Davis Wright Tremaine 1L Diversity Scholarship
The Fredrikson & Byron Foundation Minority Scholarship
The Hispanic Bar Association of Orange County Wally R. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund
Institute of World Business Law Prize
John M. Langston Bar Association Scholarships and Grants
The Judge Arthur E. Wallace Scholarship
Justice Hollis G. Best Scholarship
Justice Pauline Davis Hanson Scholarship
Kern County Women Lawyers Foundation
Lang, Richert & Patch Merit Scholarship
La Raza Lawyers Association - Central Valley Chapter
MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund) Law School Scholarship Program
Mike Eidson Scholarship Fund
People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference Student Writing Competition
Public Interest Scholarship (California Bar Foundation)
Sonoma County Women in the Law Scholarship Fund
Vietnamese American Bar Association of N. California
Winston & Strawn LLP Diversity Scholarship
Women Lawyer's Association of San Luis Obispo


AAUW (American Assoc. of University Women) Fellowships and Grants
California Redevelopment Association Fellowship
La Raza Lawyers Association - San Francisco: Public Interest Law Fellowship
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships For New Americans
San Francisco Trial Advocacy Fellowship
William Randolph Hearst Endowed Fellowship for Minority Students

California School of Law
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