. Deferment Requests - California School of Law .


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Deferment Requests

The California School of Law will process In-School Deferment Requests for outstanding loans with other institutions for students and potential students. Following are the procedures for processing these requests:

  1. The borrower/student section of the deferment request must be filled in and signed and dated;
  2. The deferment request will be processed after the California School of Law has received all paperwork required to enroll the borrower/student in the school, and the borrower/student has started the California School of Law's regular curriculum;
  3. The completed deferment request will be forwarded to the noted institution for processing.

Please send all deferment requests to:

Office of the Registrar
California School of Law
5276 Hollister Avenue, Suite 262
Santa Barbara, CA  93111

or scan and email to


Please note that not all loan companies will accept your deferment request.

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