
online law school

Legal Method Class

Legal Method is an Enrollment Pre-Requisite to attending the California School of Law and no tuition is charged for Legal Method.

Legal Method is a 4 week class designed to produce successful law students. Emphasis is placed on law school study skills such as briefing cases, preparing course outlines, issue-spotting and exam writing. Students perform practical exercises to learn these skills, so they are prepared to begin their legal studies.

A list of the textbooks required for Legal Method is below.

Students can find textbooks on numerous websites and in legal bookstores. For one stop shopping we suggest Legal Books Distributing

Consider these textbook outlets as well

DealOz.comamazon.com, textbooks.com, bookase.com and barristerbooks.com

Writing and Analysis in the Law  6th Edition

Author: Helene S. Shapo,  Marilyn Walter,  Elizabeth Fajans
ISBN-13: 9781609302726      ISBN-10: 1609302729


Law School Survival Kit,  1999

The Ultimate Guide for Success in Law School
Author: Adachi
ISBN: 1-882278-10-0

MBE Survival Kit

Author: Adachi

ISBN: 9781882278169

California School of Law
© 2004-2025

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