
online law school

Admissions Evaluation

To have your qualifications for admission to the California School of Law evaluated, prospective students should fill out and submit the Admissions Evaluation form set out below. Completing the Admissions Evaluation form does not obligate you to enroll or to pay any money to the California School of Law.

If you do not receive an e-mail, check your Spam/Junk e-mail folder or contact an admissions counselor at 805-770-3030 or 844-500-5299
or by e-mail to Admissions@CaliforniaSchoolofLaw.com



          City:         State:    Zip:     Country:  


Home Phone:    Cell Phone:    Work Phone:

College Attended:          Graduation Date: 


Do you have a Bachelors Degree?:                    Do you have an Associates Degree?:   

    Do you have 60+ College units?:                      Are you an International student?:

What is the best day and time to contact you?:

                   Your intended start date:       How did you hear about us?:



Study at, or graduation from, this law school may not qualify a student to take the bar examination or to satisfy the requirements for admission to practice in jurisdictions other than California. A student intending to seek admission to practice law in a jurisdiction other than California should contact the admitting authority in that jurisdiction for information regarding the legal education requirements in that jurisdiction for admission to the practice of law.

California School of Law
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