
online law school

Lawrence ("Sandy") Horan III


University of Tulsa College of Law

Juris Doctor, 1989
Energy Law Journal, Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity
University of Tulsa Graduate College of Business Administration
Masters Degree-Business Administration, 1989 with honors

University of California-Santa Cruz

Joint Bachelor of Arts Degree in Earth Science and Anthropology/Archaeology, 1977
35 hours toward Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biology/Biochemistry, 1980


Texas (1989)
District of Columbia (1991)
Colorado (1992)


Horan & Horan, Rockwall, Texas

Partner, July 1999 to Present
Practice Areas: Counsel corporate and business clients in diverse transactional, regulatory, corporate and business matters including: advise clients on federal, state and local regulatory matters, including environmental, radon, wetlands, asbestos, indoor air quality/microbial growth, multi-phase investigations, remediation, and site closures draft and review contracts, corporate documents, real estate agreements, report and proposal formats; develop and teach inhouse training programs and workshops on environmental, health and safety and risk management for telecommunications, veterinary, oil & gas exploration and production

Poetry Community Christian School, Poetry, Texas

Adjunct Faculty (Fall 2002-Present)
Lead instructor for Earth Science and Physics courses at local SACS-accredited private school (developed lesson plan, syllabus, exams, and projects)

Texas A&M University, Texas Engineering Extension Service, Mesquite, Texas

Adjunct Faculty (January 2006)
Wrote curriculum and taught compressed courses: for field personnel and small oil and gas operators nationwide in relevant training related to environmental oil and gas exploration and production, and for environmental health and safety professionals regarding their federal/state legal rights and responsibilities as well as tactics and resources for prevention of, preparation for, response to civil/criminal litigation

Guida, Slavich & Flores, P.C., Dallas, Texas

Environmental and Health & Safety Attorney (April 1995-September 1997)
Practice Areas: Environmental, OSHA/Health and Safety, DOT/RSPA law.
Johnson & Wortley, P.C., Dallas, Texas (f/k/a Johnson & Gibbs, P.C.)
Associate Attorney, May 1989 -April 1995
Practice Areas: Environmental, OSHA/Health & Safety (1990-95) and Environmental, Corporate/Securities (1989-91).


Horan, A.P. & Horan, L.J. (under contract; in editorial review). The Environmental Professional's Essential Guidebook: Reducing Liability While Making a Profit. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Scarecrow Press, (pending).
Horan, L.J. and Erikson, E.S. Legal Aspects for HS&E and Risk Management Professionals. Texas Engineering and Extension Service, Texas A&M University, 2008.
Horan, L.J. (2002, August). Environmental Law and Small Business. Presented at the Kaufman County Solid
Waste Management Cooperative, Inc. and Kaufman County Bar Association Annual Seminar, Kaufman, TX.
Horan, L.J. (2000, December). Spills and Releases from PST Systems: Discovery, Reporting and Beyond. Presented at the UST Management and Compliance Assistance Seminar, Austin, TX.
Horan, L.J. (1996, August). Land Use Law Update: Environmental Issues and Land Use. Presented at National Business Institute, Inc.s Land Use Law Update, Dallas, TX.

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