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Career Services

The Career Services Office provides current students and alumni with counseling, skill building workshops, and career resources. Because our students and alumni are geographically spread throughout the country, our goal is to provide them with a diverse selection of employment resources as well as increase our repertoire of connections with legal employers.

Our staff is happy to assist those who wish to pursue traditional legal professions as well as those seeking law related work or careers outside the law.

About Appointments

Students who would like to discuss career options must make an appointment with our career services office. Appointments are made on a first come first serve basis. All appointments are scheduled on Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (PST). Appointments are made in 20 minute blocks of time. Appointments that run over the designated time period will be reschedule for another available Friday so as not to run into another student appointment. On a limited basis, special accommodations may be made for alternative appointments. All appointments must be made via email and must be made at least two days in advance. In the email, please include: Your name, year (i.e. 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L), the purpose of the appointment (job placement, internship options, resume review, etc.). If the appointment is for a resume review, you must attach the resume to the email scheduling the appointment. No resumes will be reviewed unless submitted at least 48 hours in advance of the appointment.

Services Available

Our career services staff is knowledgeable in almost all areas of the legal field and related fields and may assist students in the following areas:

  • Resume review
  • Interview skills
  • Professionalism

Robert Half Employment Placement Services

Robert Half Legal is the largest attorney placement firm in the United States and Canada. The California School of Law Career Services Department along with Robert Half Legal will work with graduates to help him/her find employment. No grantee of employment can be made by the California School of Law or Robert Half Legal, but both are dedicated to helping our graduates find employment.

Outside Resources Available to Students

Our staff has found the following links helpful to students and graduates of California School of Law.

Helpful Articles/Books for a Legal Career

Lawyerist.com Article: Experience is as important as Grades

Resume and Job Search Materials

UC Hastings College of Law - Job resources including handouts on topics of writing law resumes, cover letters, and professionalism.

McGeorge School of Law - the Career Development Center has a number of great handouts and resources for job searching and career development.

Job Search Links

Public Service Law Network  is the online clearinghouse for law students and lawyers to connect with public interest opportunities and information on public interest careers.

CaLegalAdAdvocates.org  Online community hosted by the Legal Aid Association of California.

LawJobs.com  Posts law jobs and resources from all over the country. Using their helpful search engine you can select your exact search criteria including type of legal job and location.

CraigsList.org Don't over look Craig's List. Craig's List can be very helpful in finding jobs that are posted in your area before they get snatched up by the big job search sites.

LawCrossing  This site lists jobs for both law students, attorneys, and those in the legal services.

NALP  The Association for Legal Career Professionals. Their directory lists employer information include firm size and demographics of the firm such as race, gender, and sexual orientation of the employees, as well as reported salary. It also includes detailed employment information for law students such as how many summer associates are offered associate positions.

WestLaw  Look no further than your very own West Law account. Not only is West Law your legal library but it also posts job resources and webinars.

Emily's List Job Bank  A National Women’s Political Group, connects women to jobs in politics and Democratic political campaigns.

Martindale.com  The Professional Development section of this page has job search resources.

International Job Search Links

American Bar Association International Internship Section – Gives names of employers internationally seeking law student interns. 

European Patent Office  Lists job vacancies and internships throughout Europe.

Nongovernmental Organizations  List of NGO's that may offer jobs and internship opportunities.

Stanford University List of International Internships  You can browse through this site's comprehensive public list of international internships listed in alphabetical order.

Legal 500 Series  A database of legal services provided in over 100 countries.

United Nations Internship Program  The UN provides internship opportunities in their headquarters located around the world.

United States State Department  Provides careers and internship opportunities available both domestically and internationally.

Student Professionalism

NALP the Association for Legal Center Professionals

California School of Law
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